Pain and the mind-body connection

Pain and the mind-body connection

In a recent workshop with Northwell Health, we explored the mind's role in experiencing pain. Pain not inevitable, and our mindset can help improve our response to it. ...more

strength training over 60 ,longevity

July 13, 20244 min read

Can food make your pain go away?

Can food make your pain go away?

At a recent seminar, Ken Berger of Max Velocity Fitness was joined by Dr. Kevin Cipriano and Dr. Gregg Kaplan of Northwell Health to highlight the path to a youthful, pain-free life through strength t... ...more

nutrition for pain reduction

July 11, 20244 min read

Strength training after 60: The surprising, lasting benefits

Strength training after 60: The surprising, lasting benefits

New research shows that people 60-and-up who do heavy weightlifting for 1 year are stronger and have more muscle than people who don't ... even after they stop lifting! ...more

strength training over 60 ,longevity

June 20, 20243 min read

Four keys to a more youthful, active and meaningful life

Four keys to a more youthful, active and meaningful life

In your quest for a more youthful, active lifestyle with meaning and purpose, discover four simple things you can start doing today that will have you feeling younger and more energized. ...more

strength training over 60 ,emotional benefits of exercise &longevity

May 14, 20246 min read

Is age really just a number?

Is age really just a number?

They say that age is just a number. But when it comes to health and fitness, it's a number that doesn't matter as much as it used to ...more

strength training over 60

May 03, 20243 min read

Finding the right fit when looking to join a gym

Finding the right fit when looking to join a gym

Finding the right fit when looking to join a gym can be intimidating. These simple tips will save you time and help you find a program you'll stick with. ...more

strength training over 60

April 09, 20244 min read

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